Wow, 36 weeks! My shirt won't go over my belly either. Had an appointment this week and nothing is going on and she didn't want me to come back for 2 weeks since everything is looking good as well. That pretty much confirmed what I've been feeling lately, I'm pretty sure he will be an April baby!
Other than feeling a little bit under the weather the last couple of days due to allergies (gotta love spring!) I'm doing really well. I am amazed at how much easier this part of the pregnancy has been compared to Ethan's. Yes, I have the general back pain, but it's not near as bad as I dealt with my first pregnancy so this has been a cake walk (even though it's not lol). I've also been telling myself that I'll go to at least my due date. It always seems like a lot of women really start complaining at 37 weeks if they haven't had a baby and by 40 weeks are just so upset if it still hasn't happened. I choose to stay positive, take one day at a time and love any extra days I have my baby in my belly :-) I don't mean to sound like I'm better than everyone else, but I do choose to have a positive attitude during this time. I remember with Ethan I was so miserable and it was difficult not to think negatively about him not coming before his due date. Focusing on it just made it worse! So in the mean time, I'm spending about an hour in the evenings on my birth ball to help him settle into my pelvis. I think it is also help keeping my hips and back loose and not aching as much. It feels really good!
We've had a busy weekend with birthday parties, but between that and general upkeep of the house (we're still trying to sell our house!) I've been working on washing all the baby clothes and bedding. After that is complete I'll pack all our bags (Ethan will need one for staying at his grandparents while we're at the hospital as well) and I'll be officially 'ready' :-)
I'll be taking weekly photos now. It's always neat to see how baby drops during those last couple of weeks. With Ethan it was very noticeable because the shape of my belly completely changed.

You look Super Cute! Congrats:)
You still look great! I'm excited! ;)
You look gorgeous...
you look great! I love your attitude - it is fantastic. Do you have a house to move in to or just selling first? We are just getting ready to put up our house. I'm nervous! Keeping a good thought for you, I can't believe you are already 36 weeks!
You look absolutely STUNNING! The last few weeks were the hardest playing the waiting game haha! With our daughter we had EVERYTHING ready when I hit 35 weeks just in case....but I think getting ready that early killed me because from then on I was SO ready to meet her haha! Good luck!!!
You look great Chari, can't wait to see little Cole. :-) Hang in there and keep up the good attitude!
I think it's so wonderful you are documenting all of this. I wish my own mother would have done the same. As I plan to start TTC this summer, it would have been so special to be able to look back at my mother's pregnancy with me. I just found out last week that she had such horrible "morning" sickness that she ended up in the hospital for several days! I'm glad to be able to mentally prepare for the nausea! ;)
Look at that bump! Great pic. :)
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