As I mentioned before I LOVE dahlias! Remember last November when my first ever dahlia bloomed for the first time?? So I planted 3 this spring to see if I could get them to bloom this summer. Earlier this season all 3 were looking good and growing tall, it was very encouraging. Then, one day one of the plants look like the wind snapped it over and was trying to grow back. Just a couple of weeks ago now only 1 plant was alive with a bloom! Well, it finally bloomed the day we left for San Antonino and I snapped a picture before we took off. The foliage looks pretty pathetic, but the bright yellow sure is pretty! Apparently I still need to do more studying on how to grow dahlias successfully...

How pretty! I felt that way about my tulips. I am just wild for tulips & peonies.
Very pretty!
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