Do you think you would get more accomplished day to day if you had a planner to go by? Often times I think I would get more done and feel less stressed because everything would be written down. I also think I would procrastinate less and my house would be cleaner! I know I would definitely benefit from having certain cleaning tasks scheduled out such as wiping down baseboards every 2 weeks and reorganizing a closet each week. Also since we will be homeschooling in the future I feel like I need to get some kind of system down now to manage my time well. Several times I have wanted to put together a planner, but really had no idea how to make it functional. I recently came across the
"Building a Home Planning Notebook" post on Passionate Homemaking and it is really what I'm looking for. She shows a video of how her notebook is put together and has several links to pages you can print for your notebook.
I've bought my notebook and index dividers. Now I'm currently printing out the pages I need to put together my own custom notebook! Do you currently have a planner or notebook? If you do I would love to hear what categories you have put into yours. Also if you have any links to printable pages I would love to check them out as well.
I have something called "Home Management Binder" and it works great, when I use it LOL
I have tabs for popular recipes, Schedules, and grocery lists. I get all organized then I fail to keep it up and all my work is for nuthin' LOL
Good luck! Let me know how yours goes!
I have an easter basket on my blog for you! :)
I finally gave up and got an old-school paper Franklin Covey planner.... my iPod Touch just wasn't working for me. Having all my "to do" lists in one place where I can find them, and put important things on the paper calendar where they don't get mysteriously "moved" when I accidentally touch the screen. It's already so much better. Now if I can just put in a weekly housecleaning schedule in there and STICK TO IT....
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