I turn 30 in April. When looking back on my 20's I've pretty much spent it being plump. Isn't your 20's the time that you should look your best? I missed out on that. I missed out looking good and ever wearing a bikini. In fact, it's sad that really my husband has never known me as thin. The photo I posted on my Flashback Photo Friday post I put it on my refrigerator a couple days ago. My husband asked who that was in the photo. He wasn't being mean about it at all, in fact he has never said anything negative to me about my weight.
So, I'm tired of being over weight. I'm tired of missing out on all the fun outdoor water activities. I'm tired of having a "fatitude". I want to look good for my husband and be a good example of health and fitness to my son. Enough, is enough.
I've been on track since Wednesday writing all my food down and keeping within my point range. I started exercising Saturday as well. Every Wednesday I will post my weigh-in stats here so I have a record of how I'm doing.
As for other goals. I have started running again. For those of you who have followed my blog since the fall you may recall I was training for a half-marathon. I got 3/4 through my training before quitting. This was my 2nd time to get 3/4 way through half-marathon training. I hit a huge wall of burn out. I have never had burn out with running. I have always loved to run. I weaned Ethan from breastfeeding and I think it may have been the cause of the burnout. My hormones were pretty crazy for a few weeks. Also he was waking so much during the night I was exhausted.
I felt so much better when I was running and really want to get back into it. I decided to set a goal of a 5k. Yes, back to square 1 yet again. I have a good friend who is training with me and we are going to do a 5k May 15th. It was actually the first 5k race I've ever done 3 years ago. However, I have always run the races by myself. I'm so excited I have someone doing it with me and maybe she'll be addicted to racing after our first 5k :-) I want to say I'll go on to bigger races later, but right now I'm starting with a 5k. I won't let myself train for a larger race until I have reached my goal weight. For me it has been difficult to train for a larger race and loose weight.
By the time I reach my goal weight I will have lost a total of 61 pounds. Good grief!! I also have not been at my goal weight since I was probably around 13. My goal weight is within the healthy range for my height and I know it is still attainable. This will be a very important goal for me to reach. I have been trying to think of a reward for myself when I reach this weight. The only thing I really want is a nicer camera. I have been researching for a few weeks and found this advanced camera that is super nice and offers lots of features a dslr has. After talking to my husband he thought it would be a good reward. So I have another incentive for reaching my goal weight! I'm super excited!! I'm not setting smaller rewards for mid-point weight goals since this camera costs quite a bit.
I would like to encourage any of you that need to loose a few (or a lot) pounds. Don't give up on yourself, you deserve to loose the weight and feel good about yourself. If there is enough interest I can add a linky to my weekly weigh-ins if any of you would like to post about your weight loss from week to week. Anyone on a weight loss journey needs some positive encouragement.
After I reach my goal weight I will post my story and photos. I did take photos at my highest weight, but sadly they were lost on my hard drive last fall.

You're so close! I've been dieting since March of last year. I've lost 66lbs, just 54 more till my goal weight! I'm actually already 45lbs under my pre-preg weight (my son is 12 months), but I was really, really overweight before I got preg. Good luck to you. I hope you get that camera sooner than you think :-)
I agree, you can't give up. I've been a bit more than plump my entire life (I'm going to be 37 next month) I made a New Life resolution (that's New Year's to most but mine will last for the rest of my life). On Jan 4th I started a new eating plan and lost 25 lbs so far which is just about half way to my short term goal. I've been blogging about it on my weight loss blog here http://www.3fatchicks.com/diet-blogs/youweighin/ and have found confidence and determination! Hope you get to where you want to be! I will soon enough!
I lost all my baby weight pretty much right after the baby was born. Then another 10 lbs after that. I tried dieting on top of it, but gained weight, so I ate 'normal' plus snacks, figuring the snacks would help the baby out with nursing. Still nursing a year later, but I have gained almost all the pre/post baby weight back. I have a long way to go. I cut out snacks and only eat til I'm about 2/3 full. I am hungry most of the time. ALL of my friends said they could eat whatever they wanted when they were nursing. It never worked for me. Not ever. It didnt matter what I did, the weight poured back on. I've lost about 5 lbs in the last month. I have decided to weigh every other Monday morning, because that would be a more accurate rate than say every day or every week, since water weight fluctuates so much. I don't kick myself if I eat something that isn't so good, but I do my best to not even think about it for the most part. Being short doesn't help, I was overweight before getting pregnant. Like you, I never wore a bikini, etc. I never, even thin, believed I looked good. After having the baby, I felt great, and then to have the weight come back on, despite starving myself, well that was a kick to the groin, so to speak. I wish you luck. It's apparently going to take a lot more than luck for me to lose weight.
That's wonderful that you have someone running/training with you. I know that for myself, it always helps to have a great support system - which it sounds like you do. Best of luck, I'm looking forward to reading about your progress.
Good luck to you! I know I should be trying hard to get in shape but I can't seem to get motivated. It would make things so much easier next time around, even if I have to have another c-section. I wish I had your motivation to get back in the water.
I'm proud of you for being so persistant! Keep up the hard work Chari! :o)
These are great goals - you can do it. It is really hard to stick with things but you can do it - the running is a great way to start.
Go Chari! I can't wait to see the after pics! I know you can do it, and I am so excited for you!
BTW I won't enter your Tot Wraps giveaway since I reviewed a dream dipe just recently but I had to say I LOVE mine. IT wasn't hard to write a positive review for these at all.
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