Today's topic at Beth's Fluff Talk Thursdays is cloth diapering on a tight budget. When it comes to fluff I'm all about finding a good deal! I knew even before I was pregnant with Ethan that I would cloth diaper so as soon as I found out I was expecting my first baby I started researching about cloth diapers right away. And I do mean right away haha. Seriously I have spent so many hours online researching types, visiting cloth diaper message boards and finding the best deals. For some reason I could never pay more than $10 per diaper and still have not! This is for brand new diapers, I have never purchased a used diaper.
My "educated decision" led me to using Fuzzibunz. I bought 10 smalls to start out with from Fuzzi Bunz Seconds store 10 for $100 (free shipping). I also bought a dozen prefolds and made a couple of my own covers with PUL. I thought that was going to be enough for a newborn ;-) It actually did work well, but I ended up buying some super cheap ProWrap diaper covers from the manufacturer (information I can not find online now!) and made do. Once Ethan outgrew the ProWraps I began to search out more options. While I loved the FB and got a super great deal, I was ready to try something different. A very dear friend suggested trying Haute Pockets. I was leary of trying OS diapers, but decided to take her word for it. I snatched up several from Cloth Diaper Clearance for $9.50 each. After that I added a 3 pack of SmartiPants for $30 (their intro price). I made do on my 13 pocket diapers for a long time. Let me tell you my Hautes are starting to look really worn out because I was washing them practically everyday! Once I started this blog I started getting opportunities to review various brands of cloth diapers and I have been so great full for each one!
So my advice for cloth diapering on a tight budget! Check out all the seconds stores! If you are looking for a particular brand, google the brand name with seconds attached to see what retailers sells them. However, I believe there are almost - or even better- just as good deals at various retailers online. I don't remember seeing this when I was looking for diapers 2.5 years ago! If you are on Facebook, follow as many of these retailers as you can because it will keep you up to date on specials, giveaways and sometimes discounts just for FB.
Diaperswappers.com is also a great resource for information on brands and sales.
Last, you MUST check out Beth's post today about her finds. I can NOT believe it. Basically I could have paid HALF of what I did for diapers when starting my stash. You know I can't resist buying some of them as well ;-)

Thanks for sharing all these great tips! I think the most I ever spent on diapers were $19 for my Bum Genius and sadly they are the worst looking diapers I own now. :-( I don't know why so many people rave about them. Mostly, I spent an average of around $13-$14 per diaper. Wish I had known about KaWaii Baby 2 years ago. I didn't really so my research though. *sigh* live and learn!
Thanks for the diaper clearance link. It will be helpful since I am so anti-microfiber. I never thought I would be such a diaper snob! :o)
Thank you for these links! This really helps because I just didn't even know about a lot of these brands!
Thanks for sharing the links. I like the idea of purchasing cloth diapers on clearance.
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