Ethan will be 20 months old on the 16th. He's starting to say a lot more words now. A few words I have no clue what he means. For several weeks he would say "ahbum". One day when I was giving him his bath I told him, "Ok, I've got to wash your bottom now." and then he said "ahbum!" It then hit me what he has been saying, bottom! I repeated it again and he said "ahbum" again. Haha! I'll say it several times a day when I need to change his diaper I'll tell him we need to go get the wet diaper off his
bottom. He would say "ahbum" just anytime of the day though. I'm wondering if he is trying to tell me he needs to be changed?? I guess we need to get out the potty chair and see if we can take advantage of this! Just last week he is able to say the "B" sound some and now it's starting to sound more like 'bottom'. I missing hearing the "ahbum" though and catch myself saying it sometimes. However, that is probably not encouraging him to say words right though and it wouldn't be cute seeing a 3 year old later down the road saying "ahbum" now would it?
What funny words have your kids said before as little toddlers?
toddler speak is the cutest! We repeat it sometimes, too, but I'm sure Ingrid will learn the true way to say things, too.
I have to tell you I tried the chewy granola bar recipe and I love it!! So did my husband, and that's saying something :)
that is soo cute!!! Nick has been saying BOONDA! we have no idea what it means, a mix between balloon and bear and pooh bear... he gets so excited when he says it. I love it!
I'm so glad you love the granola bar recipe!!! Some days it's hard for me to stay away from them ;-)
My 2 year old is currently calling his blankie his "Nana"...My two oldest use to call their blankets "GeeGees". I love toddler talk!
Ah yes... the mysterious toddler-speak! Kyra unfortunately has latched on really easily to "poopie" which is my fault as I used it a couple times and she found it hilarious. So now she tells me that she has gone poopie and I know to change her..... that's good I guess but I probably should think of a nicer word.....
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